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HomeStart a Chapter

Start A Chapter

The Association for Facilities Engineering (AFE) has been in operation since 1915, evolving and serving the built environment by way of continued education, facility management advocacy, and organizational development of like-minded individuals throughout the world.  


Learn. Lead. Influence. 


We bring together professionals who ensure the optimal operation of high-rise commercial real estate, industrial plants, classified and non-classified government facilities, campuses of higher education, and medical centers around the world.  AFE remains one of the leading technical education and credentialing resources for facilities management professionals.  


AFE currently has operating chapters throughout the United States of America and Canada. Our mission as an organization is to cultivate new chapters in existing or emerging metropolitan areas where complex or large-scale operations are taking place and can benefit from, as well as give to, an association of members that participate in facility engineering and management.



Why Lead an AFE Chapter?


As a professional in the built environment, either by practicing in engineering, maintenance, reliability, or managing a facility 


Leading a Chapter provides the opportunity to gain:


  • Professional Development
  • Leadership Experience
  • Industry Repour
  • Career Network 
  • Community Impact



Chapter Leadership Structure


Chapters consist of the following Chapter Officer positions as dictated by the governing body, the Association for Facilities Engineering (AFE).


  1. President
  2. Treasurer
  3. Secretary


Additional information on the Chapter Board of Director positions and responsibilities are outlined in the Chapter Bylaw materials provided when a Chapter is chartered. 




Minimum Requirements for Chapter Operation


Each Chapter of AFE is required to produce and maintain the following, at a minimum, to stay compliant:


  1. Maintain twelve AFE members that align their membership with the Chapter. At minimum five must be a Facility Pro level member. *Membership must be in-good-standing with AFE National
  2. Host four Chapter membership meetings or events in person during the calendar year.
  3. Contribute to the local Student community by way of participating in a campus activity, hosting a student-based event, or donating a scholarship to a student who has a degree that aligns with AFE’s mission. 
  4. Participate in providing Chapter-specific content, news, and materials, to AFE National for the National and Chapter newsletter monthly.
  5. Provide Chapter compliance documentation by requested dates. 




Good Governance Standards


We want to ensure that all Chapters have the optimal opportunity for success and the way we do this is by abiding by Good Governance principles.


  • Participation
  • Responsiveness
  • Inclusiveness and Equality
  • Effectiveness and Efficiency
  • Accountability
  • Consensus Oriented
  • Transparency
  • Rule of Law

How to Get Started

  1. Apply for an AFE Chapter President Position 
  2. Sign a Code of Ethics Policy, sent to you once your application is approved
  3. Sign our Conflict of Interest Policy, sent to you once your application is approved
  4. Once your application is approved by the AFE National Board of Directors, you will receive a Chapter Start-Up Kit and schedule your Chapter Orientation with AFE National. 




Financial Declarations


A Chapter President or chapter officer at any level is an unpaid volunteer position. 


As a federated organization operating as a single corporation, AFE National will process and receive payment for all membership, events, sponsorship, advertising, and any other product and/or services offered by the organization and its chapters. This provides volunteer Chapter Officers and Board of Directors with minimal risk and liability and eliminates the obligation for the Chapter entity from having to file local or federal taxes, start an operating LLC in their State, and open a business bank account.




What Makes a Chapter Successful?

An effective chapter will have the following characteristics:

            - Publicly accessible meeting place for members
            - Setting goals and regularly measuring their progress
            - Established systems for administrative and financial functions
            - An active membership recruitment and retention program
            - Ongoing programs that serve the identified interests of the chapter members
            - A broad-based fundraising plan
            - Enough capable leaders to carry out the routine work of the chapter

Remember, no matter what stage of chapter development you may be in, chapters are part of a larger association. AFE chapters work together with the national organization to ensure that their individual and joint efforts support the work of the association as a whole.





Get started today


Leadership Application